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Science Alumni UZH

Science Alumni UZH Scholarships

Scholarships for Bachelor and Master Students

Gaining Knowledge and Experience


In order to give Bachelor and Master students the opportunity to broaden their research and experience horizons, Science Alumni UZH offers 2-4 scholarships for students each year. This is intended to give motivated students the opportunity to carry out a research project abroad as part of their Bachelor's or Master's thesis or a research internship.
Science Alumni UZH Scholarships

Weiterführende Informationen

Apply (in 1 pdf) 

Bachelor and Master Studierende der MNF UZH
In an Institution abroad
1 to 6 months
Broadening research and life experience
How much
Up to CHF 5'000, depending on research project and location
Application dates (every 6 months)

30. November
30. June