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Science Alumni UZH

16.07.2024 UZH Career Services: So finden Sie Ihren Traumjob

24.06.2024 Science Alumnae|i discover Citizen Science!

Many thanks to Sandra Gloor from Stadtwildtiere and Olivia Höhener from Citizen Science Zürich for the exciting insight into the world of urban wildlife in Zurich's Sihlfeld cemetery and the opportunity to participate in various projects.

This offers great opportunities to actively promote (bio)diversity, nature conservation and sustainability in our world!

Guided tour by StadtWildtiere and Citizen Science Zürich for Science Alumni UZH trough the Cemetary Sihlfeld, 8003 Zürich

Current projects to participate in:

Stadtwildtiere Zürich

Sign up for the current hedgehog project: 🦔

Citizen Science Zurich

Projects | Citizen Science Zurich | UZH

We look forward to welcoming you back to our events in the fall and wish you a wonderful summer break!

19.09.2024 Mushroom Walk Sihlwald 🌲

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