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Science Alumni UZH

Kick-off Event Mentoring

Sign up for Science Alumni UZH Mentoring now

Science Alumnae/i (Alumnae/i of the Faculty of Science) support you for a year with their knowledge and experience. You can discuss your personal topics and goals with them.

Weiterführende Informationen

Alumnae/i and Members of the Faculty of Science UZH
[Students, Doctoral Students, Postdocs, Assistant Professors, Professors] 


24.11.2022, 7-10pm

University Zürich Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich, Y10 G 03/04


Registration till 11.11.2022


►as Mentee

UZH - Science Alumni UZH - Sign up for Mentoring


►as Mentor

UZH - Science Alumni UZH - Registration as Mentor

Members of Geographie Alumni UZH are cordially invited to register for Mentoring!

Call UZH Alumni