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Science Alumni UZH

EARTH AT ITS LIMIT - Invitation to the Special Exhibition at Kulturama

How is the Earth Doing in the Age of Humans?

The influence of humans on the earth has become unmistakable. Habitats are being shaped by human activity to an unprecedented extent. Land, water, air, climate - and thus the living conditions of all earthly creatures - are directly influenced. Kulturama shows us in a sensitizing way how our way of living on this celestial body is pushing our habitat to its limits. Welcome to the Anthropocene, the age of humans - to marvel and at the same time to fear.

M.Sc. Sabine Frei - Leitung Vermittlung und Besuchsbetrieb Foto: 2022©Kulturama, Joanna Lesniewska

We are looking forward to visiting the Kulturama special exhibition EARTH AT ITS LIMIT together and to actively engage in the dialogue for a more respectful treatment of "our" planet.UZH Alumnae/i/x as well as non-members are welcome! First come, first served, the number of seats is limited.

Registration: till 24.10.2022
Fee: CHF 10.- in cash on the spot - FREE for freshly graduates and students!

18-18.30  Door opening, meeting point: reception area in the foyer, Kulturama Museum of Human Evolution
18.30-20 Guided tour of EARTH AT ITS LIMIT with M.Sc. Sabine Frei, Head of Mediation and Visiting Operations
20-21 Uhr Apéro in the foyer of the Kulturama


►Erde am Limit
►Sonderausstellung | KULTURAMA
►Über uns | KULTURAMA

Special donations for Kulturama Foundation: PC 85-305644-2
IBAN CH 28 0900 0000 8530 5644 2

Pic: M.Sc. Sabine Frei - Leitung Vermittlung und Besuchsbetrieb Foto: 2022©Kulturama, Joanna Lesniewska