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Science Alumni UZH

Further Offers

News list

  • 6. Global Film Festival

    Support realizing the 6th edition of the Global Science Film Festival on 8. -11. November 2024. 

  • feminno – female innovation and career development in sciences

    Entrepreneurship training and career development program for female researchers to bridge  academic research with innovation, entrepreneurship and industry. Career coaches support, innovation experts and role models advise you in making your own start-up idea a success.

  • University Didactic Training - Teaching COMPACT

    In the fall semester 2024, UZH University Didactics will again offer courses on various teaching topics. 

  • Participation, Power and Perspective: Opening Research through Citizen Science

    What does it mean to open science to public participation? How can Citizen Science contribute to solving societal challenges? And how can it transform the scientific landscape?