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Science Alumni UZH

Attractive Offers for Schools and Families

Schools and Families


Are you an Alumna or Alumni of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich or a Specialist Teacher for the STEM subjects Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and teach children or youths? Your Faculty of Science offers many interesting and fun programs! We look forward to welcoming you and your class soon!

Many attractions are also great for families! Enjoy vacations and weekends as guests of the Faculty of Science!

Learning Centers for Public and Upper Secondary Schools


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Hoi! Hallo! Salut! Ciao! Hi! 🧸
UZH - Kinder-Universität Zürich - KUZH and Alma
UZH - Children's University of Zurich
Invite the Children's University to your School 
Schools and classes can invite "Kinder-UZH on Tour" to workshops on site. Experts give the students insights into current topics such as biodiversity, programming or weather and climate. More info:Kinder-UZH on Tour | Kinder-Universität Zürich | UZH